Naval Academy Preparatory School, Class of 1967



As word continues to spread and the list of those we are able to contact continues to grow, interest is running high for a reunion of the NAPS Class of 1967 to be held in Bainbridge, Maryland the weekend of 12-14 October 2012. As you mark your calendar and begin to think about travel plans, please be sure to note the reunion will be held next year, not this year as a few have misunderstood it to be. Hey, we're all over sixty, and these things happen!

For starters, you'll be pleased to learn the first round of letters and email inquiries in search of all students, instructors, and staff officers assigned to NAPS during the 1966 - 1967 academic year has been most successful. We now know the whereabouts (or passing) of 65 of the 185 students and 10 of the 29 instructors / staff officers whose names and photographs appeared in 'the Cruise.' In the words of Colonel Christy, "NAPS was a terrific time of learning and growth for us all; not only for students but for instructors and staff as well." It is in this spirit we seek to embrace all who shared in the NAPS experience, however long or short the stay. While nearly everyone we've been able to locate has expressed a desire to participate, we understand not all will be able to do so. We are hoping as many as can and are able will join us … a 'march back in time' promises to be good therapy!

The committee, in close cooperation with the Bainbridge Development Corporation, is pleased to announce the launch of our website at: (Editor's note: Updated from the old URL,

The site is a work in progress to be sure, and it will only be as good as we all make it. Our hope is to see the site grow as a repository for the following:

The committee encourages the submission of old and new photographs, short sea-stories (mostly true), old documents (e.g., copies of the Barnacle, watch-bills, instructions, bulletins, etc.), obituaries, and fond memories of those who have gone before us. Post all submissions to Ken Marks, central point of contact / database administrator. While electronic transfer is preferred, all mailed originals will be scanned and returned.

Details regarding the reunion, lodging, meals, etc., will be posted as they emerge. For now, please know the committee will do its best to keep all shared costs as low as possible. The Clarion Hotel in Aberdeen will serve as headquarters ( ). The good folks at the Clarion have agreed to block 50 (double) rooms for our reunion at $89.00 plus 6% tax for a total of $94.34 per night (hot buffet breakfast included). Additionally, a conference room will be set aside (at no cost) for our exclusive use as a place to meet and muster for the duration. The booking process will begin January 1, 2012. When making a reservation, identify yourself as a part of the "NAPS Class of 1967 Reunion."

Once again, "if a return to Bainbridge is not on your bucket list, we think it should be!" So, mark your calendar for the weekend of 12 - 14 October 2012, and plan to meet on the banks of the Susquehanna River. It will be good therapy!

For the committee,
Ken Marks
71 Deep Hollow Lane N.
Columbus, NJ 08022
757-407-2878 (c)

The committee of five includes:
Bob Capra 410-757-2028 (h)
John Condon 301-320-3375 (h)
Bob Gallagher 917-295-2922 (c)
Wally Poleshaj 563-271-3272 (c)
… And yours truly.